
Strona wizytówka użytkownika "jkaik"

Strona wizytówka użytkownika "jkaik"

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Krzysztof Barszcz
Wyślij e-mail
3Maja 8/25
21-040 Lublin
Pokaż na mapie
Uwaga: podczas kontaktu powołaj się na Favore.pl
10 lut 2010, 8:35
15 lis 2011, 20:56
  • Opini pozytywnych 0
  • Opini neutralnych 0
  • Opini negatywnych 0
  • Aktywnych usług 1
  • Aktywnych produktów 0
  • Wpisów na forum 0
  • Wpisów w bazie wiedzy 0

My name is Krzysztof.

In 1991 I was granted a degree of Master of Arts in the field of Visual Arts Education. My hobby is painting. I’m especially interested in one of the literary and art movements of the modern art that is surrealism. It is an international phenomenon. It has always stood up against stereotypes and the thought routine. This art movement is understood as a manifestation of the independence from the norms created by the contemporary society. The world of surrealism is an absurdity based on the people’s visions, extraordinary and mysterious phenomena as well as dreams.


,,Pure psychic automatism in the absence of reason’’.


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