Zapraszamy Państwa do udziału w warsztatach szkoleniowych adresowanych do osób, które pragną doskonalić umiejętności prowadzenia skutecznych negocjacji z partnerami zagranicznymi.
Całość szkolenia będzie prowadzona w języku angielskim.
Termin: 19 i 20 września 2013
To provide a clear language for handling the complexity and dilemmas of negotiation in business
To provide practical tools for business negotiation
To give opportunities for improvement of communication and negotiation skills of the participants
To learn new techniques of persuasion
To whom is addressed: Workshop is addressed to all persons who need to negotiate and convince co-partners to their position.
General idea:
The main purpose of the training is to provide the newest knowledge about business negotiation and to develop participants’ skills needed in effective negotiations. During the training participants will get to know with different approaches to negotiating styles, get experienced in negotiating techniques and recognize their strengths and weaknesses in negotiation situations.
De_scription of the training:
1. Negotiation as a communication process
Personality and styles of negotiation
Personal style of communication and its influence on negotiation process
Rules of verbal communication crucial for negotiation
Rules of non-verbal communication; meaning of non verbal codes
Persuasion tactics in negotiation (central and peripheral routes of persuasion)
2. Preparation before negotiation starts: understanding conflict
Sources of conflicts and their influence on the process of negotiation
Conflict dynamics – how tensions and emotions develop during the conflict
Problem solving analysis as a method of solving conflict through negotiation
Styles of conflict management
3. Negotiation as a universal process
Definition and types of negotiation
The process of negotiation: four phases of the negotiation (preparation, debating, bargaining, agreement)
Negotiation sins and myths
4. Attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of negotiators
Behavioural model of negotiation
Prisoner’s dilemma – rational analysis of negotiation
Attitudes change during the negotiation
Approach to negotiation - self-assessment: what do I want? What are my weaknesses and strengths?
Situation assessment. Is the negotiation necessity or opportunity?
5. Developing a negotiating style
Tough negotiation – when can be effective?
Soft negotiation – why sometimes is needed?
Problem solving negotiation – it is not the ideal style
6. Difficult negotiation
Handling difficult behaviours of negotiators
Tactics in the difficult negotiation
Assertiveness as a means for the successful negotiation
Stress and negotiation
7. Practical techniques of negotiations
Tactical pressures on attitudes
Trading ranges
Attacking and blaming
Rationality and irrationality in negotiation
8. Negotiation game
How to prepare for effective negotiation?
How to overcome difficulties during negotiation?
Techniques of positional negotiations
Techniques of interest based negotiations
9. Cross-cultural negotiation
Culture as an iceberg
Cultural norms and negotiation norms
Key challenges of international negotiation
10. Negotiating via information technology
Information technology and negotiation behavior
On-line commercial negotiation
Negotiation via videoconference and teleconference
Teaching methods:
Short lectures introducing issues
Individual tests for self-assessment
Case studies analysis
Round table discussions
Role’s play
1490,00 zł brutto, CENA PROMOCYJNA: 1390,00 zł brutto przysługuje każdej kolejnej osobie zgłoszonej przez tę samą firmę/instytucję.
Podana wyżej cena zawiera:
koszty organizacji szkolenia
materiały szkoleniowe rozdawane uczestnikom w trakcie szkolenia
przeprowadzenie szkolenia przez cenionego eksperta
imienne certyfikaty o uczestnictwie w szkoleniu
pełne wyżywienie
koszt noclegu w pokoju 2-osobowym
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