IT Services Companies in Poland

IT Services Companies in Poland nr 481855

Lokalizacja: Warsaw (woj. kujawsko-pomorskie)

Przykładowe zapytanie
Pan Grzegorz chce położyć kafle na schodach...

zlecę wyrównanie i położenie glazury na schodach zewnętrznych.
Powierzchnia schodów do ułożenia ok. 10m2. Termin wykonania: 14 dni.
Proszę o kontakt i wycenę robocizny, materiały są już zakupione.

Grzegorz Kowalski
udostępnionych przeze mnie danych osobowych w celu korzystania z Serwisu favore.pl oraz w celu realizacji prawnie uzasadnionych celów Współadministratorów danych. Współadministratorami są Favore.pl Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Postępu 14, We Net Group S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Postępu 14 oraz We Net Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Postępu 14. Oświadczam, że są mi znane cele przetwarzania danych osobowych oraz moje uprawnienia. [zwiń]

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tel: 42916001894291600189
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Uwaga: podczas kontaktu zapytaj o rabat dla klientów favore.pl
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pn-pt: 10:00-18:00
sb: 10:00-14:00
IT Services Companies in Poland | Top Managed IT Services 2022
Established in 2007, we provide Information Technology solutions and services to medium and large enterprises in USA Canada, Europe, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand markets.
We understand that technology must be in complete harmonious with the competitive strategies of our clients and businesses we service. In tune with this principle, we have worked closely with our clients in understanding their business processes and the challenges they face in the data driven information age. With over 14 years of expertise offering IT solutions, we help our clients with data centre modernization, consulting, design, implementation, annual maintenance & support. We have built up the framework and processes needed to make enterprise data centre and applications efficient.
Our technology offerings are built on our success stories, with a global-renowned management philosophy, a strong culture of innovation, risk-taking, and a persistent focus on customer relationships to help solve their complex and most interesting business challenges. NYGCI gives organizations unparalleled access to cutting-edge technologies by offering low-cost infrastructure on cloud or on-premises and by leveraging our expertise on application modernization, data centre computing, data science, cloud & applied intelligence.
Our objective is to offer enterprises with quality solutions along with significant measurable results using highly qualified experts. To ensure this, we require our team to be certified on multiple disciplines and products, so they can help you accomplish from the high-level architecture of a solution all the way down to the technical configuration and implementation of point-products
View capability statement of our service offerings and learn about the achievements and growth that have contributed to our success.
Established in 2007, we provide Information Technology solutions and services to medium and large enterprises in USA Canada, Europe, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand markets.
NYGCI was founded in 2007 in New York State. Since then we have expanded our services footprint to 27+ states within USA, representing our service presence in more than 50% of US. In 2015, we have opened our operation in India as New York Global Consultants Pvt. Ltd to support our Global Fortune 500 clients.We have earned 789th position on the prestigious 2015 Inc 5000 list. As per 2015 Dunn and Brad Street past performance evaluation report, our customers rated our services at 95%.
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Wyślij e-mail
tel: 42916001894291600189
Pokaż na mapie
Uwaga: podczas kontaktu zapytaj o rabat dla klientów favore.pl
Strona WWW
pn-pt: 10:00-18:00
sb: 10:00-14:00
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IT Services Companies in Poland - galeria
IT Services Companies in Poland Oceń: OceńOceńOceńOceńOceń - średnia ocen: 0 na 5 (liczba ocen: 0)
Poprzednia usługa: Skopia Estetic Clinic Sp. z o. o.   Następna usługa: Uslugi remontowo - budowlane tj. plytkowanie, gładzie, panele itd.