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Przykładowe zapytanie
Pan Grzegorz chce położyć kafle na schodach...

zlecę wyrównanie i położenie glazury na schodach zewnętrznych.
Powierzchnia schodów do ułożenia ok. 10m2. Termin wykonania: 14 dni.
Proszę o kontakt i wycenę robocizny, materiały są już zakupione.

Grzegorz Kowalski
Wysłanie zapytania jest bezpłatne i do niczego Cię nie zobowiązuje
udostępnionych przeze mnie danych osobowych w celu korzystania z Serwisu favore.pl oraz w celu realizacji prawnie uzasadnionych celów Współadministratorów danych. Współadministratorami są Favore.pl Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Postępu 14, We Net Group S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Postępu 14 oraz We Net Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Postępu 14. Oświadczam, że są mi znane cele przetwarzania danych osobowych oraz moje uprawnienia. [zwiń]

  • WEST BAND zespół country, cała Polska
    WEST BAND zespół country Znane standardy w stylu country, country rock, country blues, rockabilly, cajun i western swing to doskonały pomysł nie tylko na piknik, festyn, biesiadę, bal, ... - your
    Cała Polska
  • brak zdjęcia
    Nauka języka portugalskiego z native speaker Hello, my name is Pedro and I'm portuguese (native speaker), I'm living in Poland (Gliwice) and I'm production engineer. I'm offering portugue... - your
    35 zł godz. Gliwice, Zabrześląskie
  • Pocket WiFi Rental for Travelers in Europe, Lodz , łódzkie
    Pocket WiFi Rental for Travelers in Europe Traveling abroad can present its challenges, but with our Pocket WiFi rental for travelers in Europe, you can journey with confidence. Stream your favorite cont... - your
    Lodz łódzkie
  • do you need loan , lubin, dolnośląskie
    Do you need loan Are you a business man or woman? Do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need a loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills or start a nice b...
  • Urgent Loans, contact us today, Wroclod, podkarpackie
    Urgent Loans, contact us today Do you need a loan to settle your debt and start up your own Business? What are you waiting for, here is a quick and easy way for you to get a financial assista...
    100 000 zł sztuka Wroclodpodkarpackie
  • FUNDING FINANCE LOANS INVESTMENT , Centrum Ratajskie, lubelskie
    FUNDING FINANCE LOANS INVESTMENT We offer Finance at low interest rates. Please contact us for an immediate response to your WhatsApp Plus request One Eight One Four Four Zero Eight Six Six Six...
    5 000 000 zł rok Centrum Ratajsk…lubelskie
  • Quick loan offers within 24 hours, Poland, zachodniopomorskie
    Quick loan offers within 24 hours What are your Financial needs? We give out loans from a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $500,000,000.00 with comfortable duration that ranges from 1 to 35 yea...
    290 000 zł sztuka Polandzachodniopomorskie
  • Affordable Loan Offer Apply Now, Poland, kujawsko-pomorskie
    Affordable Loan Offer Apply Now What are your Financial needs? We give out loans from a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $500,000,000.00 with comfortable duration that ranges from 1 to 35 yea...
    290 000 zł 1 min. Polandkujawsko-pomorskie
  • Spanish native speaker wanted, Katowice, śląskie
    Spanish native speaker wanted We are looking for Native English Teacher to our school in Katowice. Cooperation is possible from now, vacation or September. Level: from A1 to C1, C...
  • English native speaker wanted, Katowice, śląskie
    English native speaker wanted We are looking for Native English Teacher with CELTA, TEFL to our school in Katowice. Cooperation is possible from now, vacation or September. Level: f...
  • Firma Diamond Massage poszukuje masażystek - praca od zaraz, cała Polska
    Firma Diamond Massage poszukuje masażystek - praca od zaraz Zatrudnimy atrakcyjne dziewczyny do pracy w charakterze masażystek, masaże Tantryczne, Lomi Lomi oraz klasyczne. Praca w dostępna w jednym z miast: Edynburg, ...
    Cała Polska
  • brak zdjęcia
    UK NATIVE SPEAKER, WARSAW Hello, My name is Mike, and I conduct English teaching in the center Warsaw. I provide English lessons for individuals looking to increase their ability to...
    55 zł sztuka Warszawamazowieckie
  •  We offer financial assistance loan at low rate of 3% contact us today, cała Polska
    We offer financial assistance loan at low rate of 3% contact us today Attn: loan Seekers , We offer financial assistance at low rate of 3%, if you are in need of financial need to finance your business, to run a company,...
    Cała Polska
  • Wynajem skrytki depozytowej , Lublin, lubelskie
    Wynajem skrytki depozytowej YourSafeBox – Bezpieczne i Dyskretne Skrytki Depozytowe YourSafeBox to nowoczesne, samoobsługowe sejfomaty , które spełniają wszelkie zasady be...
  • financial, Wrocraw, wielkopolskie
    Financial Are you tired of searching for a real lender? Have you been denied a loan from your local bank and other financial institutions? We offer you the opportunity to...
  • RadioQ, poznan, opolskie
    RadioQ Tune in Now at radioq.com and let the music play! Stream Your World with RadioQ! https://radioq.com/country/jordan Tired of searching ...
  • WE CAN SOLVE YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEM, wrocraw, podkarpackie
    WE CAN SOLVE YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEM Do you need a lender you can trust with Quick Application approval Process? Fast and easy Crediting of your funds Personal Funding Business Finance ...
  • Real Estate Agents Poland, Katowice, śląskie
    Real Estate Agents Poland You are safe with us - We are your licensed Real Estate Agents in Poland We handle your transactions ➧ We help you sell, buy and rent real estate of a...
  • brak zdjęcia
    Usługi programistyczne i tworzenie stron WWW Welcome to NeuroVerse - your partner in navigating the digital landscape. We are a bespoke software development and IT consulting firm composed of highl...
  • Fast online loan offer of 48 hours, Wroclaw, dolnośląskie
    Fast online loan offer of 48 hours Dear Sir / Madam, Funding Opportunity We have opened an opportunity for everyone in need for financial help. We grant loans to interested investor...
  • brak zdjęcia
    Crypto margin trading development At Maticz, we develop margin trading software that lets your users go short or long on multiple cryptocurrencies. Embark on your leverage & margin trading s...
    5 000 zł sztuka Cała Polska
  • LOAN DELIVERY WITHIN 24 HOURS ..... , cała Polska
    LOAN DELIVERY WITHIN 24 HOURS ..... Are you looking for financial help under reasonable conditions and need to have money in your bank account within 24 hours? Are you an employee or an entreprene...
    Cała Polska
  • Business, personal, loan, money, financial, service, finance, cash, of, Lublin, lubelskie
    Business, personal, loan, money, financial, service, finance, cash, of Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for finance to enlarge your business? We help individuals and companies to obtain finance for ...
  • Loan Offer , lubin, lubuskie
    Loan Offer Are you a business man or woman? Do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills or start a nice bus...
    WHY DATA CLEANSING IS IMPORTANT TO EVERY BUSINESS For more Inquiries: https://www.allianzebpo.com/ Data enrichment or data scrubbing services will create an improved customer and prospect database. ...
  • finance, all, lubelskie
    Finance Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for finance to enlarge your business? We help individuals and companies to obtain finance for ...
  • Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for , all, dolnośląskie
    Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for finance to enlarge your business? We help individuals and companies to obtain finance for ...
  • jaipur escorts Independent, jaipur, zachodniopomorskie
    Jaipur escorts Independent You can just hire a call girl nearby you can like some memorable moments with her.    Luxurious services providing by the young and brilliant young ...
  • Wypożyczalnia samochodów  - Warszawa, Marki, Białołęka, Legionowo, Warszawa, mazowieckie
    Wypożyczalnia samochodów - Warszawa, Marki, Białołęka, Legionowo Your Car - Wynajem aut różnej marki i typu. Nasza wypożyczalnia oferuje wynajem: aut dostawczych busów aut osobowych Ofe...
  • Oferta pożyczki, cała Polska
    Oferta pożyczki Good Day Sir/Madam. I am Mr.Bryan Humphrey private Money lender. I am Writting you to introduce a small and large business money lending service to yo...
    Cała Polska

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