PCZONE Computer PC Repair  -  IT services Webdesign

PCZONE Computer PC Repair - IT services Webdesign nr 104472

Lokalizacja: Warszawa (woj. mazowieckie)Więcej: PCZONE Same Day Onsite Computer Repair - Webdesign & Maintenance Service - PC Services

Przykładowe zapytanie
Pan Grzegorz chce położyć kafle na schodach...

zlecę wyrównanie i położenie glazury na schodach zewnętrznych.
Powierzchnia schodów do ułożenia ok. 10m2. Termin wykonania: 14 dni.
Proszę o kontakt i wycenę robocizny, materiały są już zakupione.

Grzegorz Kowalski
udostępnionych przeze mnie danych osobowych w celu korzystania z Serwisu favore.pl oraz w celu realizacji prawnie uzasadnionych celów Współadministratorów danych. Współadministratorami są Favore.pl Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Postępu 14, We Net Group S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Postępu 14 oraz We Net Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Postępu 14. Oświadczam, że są mi znane cele przetwarzania danych osobowych oraz moje uprawnienia. [zwiń]

Ken Webber
PCZONE Computer
Wyślij e-mail
Al. Jerozolimskie 87.
02-001 Warszawa

tel: 660011904660011904
Pokaż na mapie
Uwaga: podczas kontaktu zapytaj o rabat dla klientów favore.pl
Strona WWW
pn-pt: 10:00-18:00
sb: 10:00-14:00
Welcome to PCZONE website. Pczone provides expert, same day, onsite computer repairs, IT help services and webdesign for Homes, Offices or Businesses Small and Large in the Warsaw ( Warszawa ) area. - We can fix your pc today!

Warsaw’s newest provider of on-site computer service for homes and businesses, PCZONE was founded in 2009 and has enjoyed exponential growth ever since.

We have qualified technicians delighting customers in both metropolitan and regional locations right across Warsaw, we are proud to be one of Warsaw’s fastest growing IT companies.

"PCZONE helped us establish a remote office at one of our sites. The service was fast and most importantly effective. Thank you for making this happen, your expertise has been really valuable to this project."

This is just one example of of our customers who regularly express their total satisfaction, indeed sheer delight, with PCZONE.

Our services include hardware and software repairs, system security solutions, wireless and wired network installations, virus and spyware prevention and removal, data backup and recovery solutions and just about any other type of computer support our customers require at their homes or offices.

We believe that our computer technicians must have only the best inter-personal skills in order to be a successful part of the PCZONE team. Our customers are not swamped with techno-babble, we make sure our clients understand what we’re doing for them and why.

Our mission at PCZONE is simple:

"To ensure our clients get the most out of their technology through prompt, expert service, when and where they need it, from our qualified technicians."

Remember, our goal is to become the ultimate destination for all your computer related problems and hardware needs at the best value.

We look forward to serving you!

Here at PCZONE, each and every one of our computer technicians has been carefully selected before they join our ranks; we make sure that they have the appropriate technical accreditation, experience and, above all, a great personality. So, if you need same day, onsite computer repairs in Warsaw ( Warszawa ) or Konstancin...if you are experiencing computer problems, wireless network issues, need webdesign & maintenance services or you just need computer repair, then book your computer support online or contact us today.


"We were so blown away with your tech Levi that we havent been able to stop

talking about it ever since" - Roger B, Warsaw, Polland

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Ken Webber
PCZONE Computer
Wyślij e-mail
Al. Jerozolimskie 87.
02-001 Warszawa

tel: 660011904660011904
Pokaż na mapie
Uwaga: podczas kontaktu zapytaj o rabat dla klientów favore.pl
Strona WWW
pn-pt: 10:00-18:00
sb: 10:00-14:00
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PCZONE Computer PC Repair - IT services Webdesign - galeria
PCZONE Computer PC Repair - IT services Webdesign Oceń: OceńOceńOceńOceńOceń - średnia ocen: 4,5 na 5 (liczba ocen: 7)
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