Electroconductive Fibres New Chemical Technologies

Electroconductive Fibres New Chemical Technologies nr 107383

Lokalizacja: cała Polska

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sb: 10:00-14:00

Electroconductive Fibres New Chemical Technologies, Static control solutions, products - patented electroconductive technology presentation:

esd carpet, coating-polymer, conductive plastics, thermally conductive adhesive, anti static conductive, esd testing, electro-conductive, conductive coatings, electrically conductive adhesives, emi filter, conductive silver epoxy, anti static mats, conductive esd, thermally conductive adhesives, esd straps, esd work bench, esd workbenches, wrist esd, anti static esd, esd anti-static, ground esd, electrovoice speakers, human body esd, esd antistatic, static protection, antistatic mat, esd tester, shielding static bag, electrostatic esd, esd electro static discharge, static electricity protection, esd static, emc testing, esd dissipative, human body protection, antistatic, discharge protection, esd strap, conductive mat, esd ansi, esd discharge, esd electrostatic discharge, esd floor mat, antistatic protection, anti static wrist strap, esd workstations, anti static protection, esd training, static electricity esd, strap protection, esd workstation, protection of electrostatic, wrist strap, antistatic mats, electrostatic protection, electro-static protection, esd benches, floor protection, flooring protection, esd tape, of electroconductive, static shielding bags, electroconductive polymers, electro conductive polymer, esp testing, electro static discharge protection, polyacrylonitrile structure, polyacrylonitrile properties, polyacrylonitrile polymer, esp plastics, esd protection devices, electro conductive rubber, esp properties, electro conductive adhesive, esp materials, electro conductive paint, esp material, esp coatings, esp mat, esp-bag, esp coating, electroconductivity, electrostatic esp, esp bags, esp static, silver esp, esp-chemical, esp plastic, esp foam, esp glass, esp metal, esp products, esp rubber, esp strap, esp protection, esp applications, esp packaging, esp test, esp process
Wyślij e-mail
EUROPA NCT Sp z o.o. , 05-230 Kobyłka k/Warszawy, ul. Napoleona 2 , POLAND
Tel./fax Wyślij e-mail , 0048227861849

EURO-static - electroconductive and antibacterial fibres and yarns based on PAC and PACM are the core products offered by the Europa NCT Sp z o.o. The antistatic coat is formed by copper sulphides and silver, which has got semiconductive properties and therefore make the whole polymer electroconductive.

  • PAC - polyacrylonitrile - level of resistance ~ 101 Ω x cm
  • PAC-M -flame retardant modacrylic - level of resistance ~ 102 Ω x cm
    • Colors: olive green, malachite green, navy blue, dark gray,
    • Available: staple, sliver, to
    • Thickness: from 3,3 dtx
    • The other options under request

The carpet industry is the main purchaser of EURO-static electroconductive fibres. Even as small a content of EURO-static fibres as - 0,5-1,5% is enough to provide excellent antistatic properties to the whole carpet or covering. This effect is independent of humidity and remains unaffected by multiple washes and coverings or carpets themselves do not have to be earthed.

Added to automotive or furniture upholstery, just like carpets, EURO-static fibres eliminate, the problem of static electricity, i.e. those annoying discharges perceptible particularly in winter at low humidity, as well as the discharges which are especially dangerous to sensitive electronic devices, e.g. computers, meters, and measuring devices. Our electroconductive fibres perfectly blends with other fibers.

This property is applied in production of air blankets (blend with flame retardant acrylic) and antistatic filters (blend with PET). Up to 4% of electroconductive fibers in the blend provides perfect electrical properties of finished products.

Specific chemical composition of electroconductive fibres EURO-static provides good electromagnetic (including radar) waves screening properties. Such fibres are applied for military and special purposes.

From the end of 1998 - all electroconductive fibres and yarns EURO-static have antibacterial finishing. It gives new possibilities for application, from dry industrial filters to air conditioners for buildings or cars. We have performed tests confirming antibacterial properties on the following bacteria's strains:

  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Enterococcus faecalis

Electroconductive and Antistatic Yarns

electroconductive, electro static protection, Electro Conductive, ESP, Electro Conductive Products, Electro Conductive Product, electroconductive production, ESD protection, magnetically detectable products, magnetically detectable, static control products, Static control solutions, Static control solution, electroconductive technology, Electro conductive technology, EMI/RFI shielding, polymers coatings, Electro conductive Plastic, antibacterial fibres, Electroconductive Fibres, Electroconductive Polymer, polyacrylonitrile, Electroconductive Yarns, Antistatic Yarns, static control products, esd, esp, esd protection, esd products, polymer coating, polymer coatings, polymers coatings, esd protection devices, esp static, anti static mat, conductive textile, conductive plastics, electrostatic discharge, esd flooring, static discharge, conductive fabric, emi shielding, esd damage, esd shielding, static eliminator, esd floor, anti static bags, static discharge, conductive fabric, conductive adhesive, conductive tape, esd mat, electro voice, esd products, conductive foam, conductive textile, conductive textiles, esd shielding, conductive adhesives, anti static, esd wrist straps, electrically conductive adhesive, static wrist strap, electro voice speakers, esd mats, electo voice, static solutions, esd product, esd services, industrial esd, esd bench, esd systems, esd accessories, esd workbench, static shielding bag, electro static, polymer chemistry, esd supplies, conductive polymer, conductive polymers, materials technology, esd packaging, conductive plastic, esd equipment, conductive 

On the basis of our Euro-static electroconductive fibers we produce following yarns: from 25 tex to 110 tex with 1, 2 and 3 plies. In the case of other yarn count - please contact us.

100% PAC and PACM electroconductive yarns

Bicomponent electroconductive yarns

Combination of PAC yarn and monofilament PET, PP, PA

Antistatic yarns

Combination of PAC and PET, PP, PA and other fibers

Core spun yarns

Core monofilament PET wrapped with electroconductive yarn

Yarn counts, count and direction of twists, colour, percentage of components in bicomponent yarns - according to customer's requirements

Level of electroconductivity: from 101 Ω

EUROPA NCT Sp z o.o.
05-230 Kobyłka k/Warszawy
ul. Napoleona 2
Tel./fax (+48 22), 786 18 43, 786 18 49
e-mail: Wyślij e-mail
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Wyślij e-mail
tel: 509486218509486218
Uwaga: podczas kontaktu zapytaj o rabat dla klientów favore.pl
Strona WWW
pn-pt: 10:00-18:00
sb: 10:00-14:00
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Electroconductive Fibres New Chemical Technologies - galeria
Electroconductive Fibres New Chemical Technologies Oceń: OceńOceńOceńOceńOceń - średnia ocen: 4 na 5 (liczba ocen: 5)
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